Saturday, June 23, 2012

Bows, Bows, Bows!


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With three little girls in my house, it is safe to say that there are a ton of bows around this place.  It's beginning to get a little out of control.  I started with a shoe box of bows 7 years ago when my first daughter was born then a single bow holder, then another shoe box and another bow holder and for the past 6 months my entire dresser has been covered in hair bows.  I finally decided that today was the day I was going to put them away.  I am classic for deciding to do a spur of the moment project with no real supplies and no desire to drag all 4 of my children anywhere extra to go get any. So... I walked around the house for a few minutes thinking about what I could use to make a bow holder. 

 I saw these 9" round cardboard circles in my pantry.  I bought a package of them a few years ago for a birthday cake. (by few I mean 6. hahaha) Apparently I haven't made many 9" round cakes in the past 6 years.  

I cut one in half.

Grabbed a scrap of fabric a couple inches larger then my half circle.

Then I appliqued the fabric using our fun Marleigh raw edge font.  I used the first initial in our last name as the single initial monogram, just to make sure my girls wouldn't fight about who's new bow holder I had made.  lol

This part was fun...see my helper? She really wanted to eat my fabric. Oh, those little hands are fast and that mouth... I wish I had a video.  It would be extremely entertaining to actually watch me accomplish anything.  I used to think it was hard having to do everything with only one hand but, now that I have 3 hands (one of mine and two of this busy little babydoll), I take it all back.  hahaha

Next I took my fabric and placed one of the half circle pieces of cardboard on the back of it (with the monogram centered) I traced around it with a pencil.

Here you can faintly see the penciled half circle.

I trimmed all the way around, about an inch away from the pencil outline.

Fringed the edges about every inch around the curve and corners and at least once along the straight side.

Then placed one half circle onto the fabric.  Squeezed an outline of glue onto the cardboard and then pulled and pressed all the fringed pieces over the cardboard securing them into the glue.

Next glued my ribbons across the bottom.
I used 3 ribbons and made my ribbons really long (around 6 feet each) because I had about a hundred hair bows without a home.

Next I added glue all over to put my 2nd piece of cardboard on the back but, wait...

Then I remembered that I hadn't added the top 2 ribbons to hang it by so I quickly added them at the top. I attribute this forgotten step to my other 3 children, who can speak in sentences, asking for cereal,wanting their polly pocket dressed, begging me to buy a new app for the ipad, among many other things.

Now I added the cardboard back. You could cover the back piece with fabric prior to gluing it together however I really didn't see a need since it won't show and I'm not selling it to anyone.

Turned it over and tied the two ribbons at the top together.
What can I say?

This is my favorite...the hanger.  I'm sure I'm no genius.  In fact if you ask Brian, our IT guy and Jacki's husband, he would attest to this fact BUT, I am good at making things (non computer related) work.  Maybe not the way it was intended but, the way I want it to in my mind.
I just took a random knob and...

stuck a flat head nail into the hole in the back.  Then I pressed it into the wall.  Didn't even need to use a hammer.  :)

There you have it.
A Brand new, Free bow holder for the million homeless bows on my dresser. 

Now to fill it up...

It's your turn.
Go get your Bows in order!